The plants page includes basic search capabilities for quickly finding specific plants.

Plant - Search
Plant - Search

Searching will return results that contain the exact term in any of the following fields:

  • Identification: Scientific and common names as well as plant family.
  • Details: Plant summary, physical characteristics, habitats, countries and range.
  • Use Case Descriptions: Medicinal, food forest and edible uses and descriptions.
Currently the Plant Search only searches for exact matches, and will return unranked results. This means the first result may or may not be the most relevant result, and typos or incorrect spellings may not return any results. This search will be improved over time to support 'fuzzy search', which will handle typos and misspellings, and will also rank results based on relevance.

For example, one may expect a search for 'berries' to return common berries at the top, especially if 'berries' is contained in the name (like blueberries or raspberries, for example). However, unranked results may return a plant that merely mentions berries in the description before an actual berry plant.